Credit challenges of all kinds can be overcome when people are shown the steps they need to take to remedy their individual credit issues. That’s how someone can reach a 620 credit score after starting with a 400.
CredEvolv customer Janet began working with a HUD-approved, nonprofit credit counselor on our platform. She achieved tremendous success in a relatively short period of time.

When Janet came to CredEvolv, she had insufficient credit history and old collection accounts pulling her score down. In fact, her score was almost as low as it could go.
Over the next 7 months, she worked hand-in-hand with her nonprofit credit counselor, who challenged her old collection accounts and showed her the correct and responsible way to rebuild and establish credit.
Janet took advantage of her CredEvolv digital portal as well. She worked on tasks and provided documentation needed by her counselor along the way.
Janet was able to reach her credit goal! She improved her score 220 points, from 400 to a 620 credit score, in just 7 months. And she now has the knowledge that will help her to continue improving and maintaining her credit for years to come.
Read more credit success stories, connect a client to CredEvolv, or enroll yourself today!